a series of works inspired by my love/hate relationship with convenience stores.

Liminal Space (I, II, III), 12x12" each, distemper and acrylic gouache on wood panel, 2017.

In this series, I explore the shelves of the campus 7-11 convenience store, the labels, the bright colors, and the strange void of liminal space you seem to enter when you visit your local convenience store.


Konbini, Oil on Canvas, 24x36”, 2017.

This painting combines my love for American and Japanese convenience stores in once hectic space in an attempt to depict what it feels like to be blinded by those florescent lights and the crippling indecision caused by the plethora of options.


Konbini, Mixed Media Sculpture, 2017. 

I reimagined my painting as a three-dimensional space using painted foam-core and paper clay to create this miniature discombobulated convenience store.

7-11 Miniatures, Paper Clay and Acrylic Paint, 2017. 

After completing a week of field observations at varying times of day outside the 7-11 store on campus, I tallied up all of the items I saw customers leave with and recreated them in miniature form.